Privacy Policy

Effective March 2023

From time to time, The Oakleigh District, Football Netball Cricket Club Inc. (ODFNC) may be
bound to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“the Privacy Act”) and the Australian
Privacy Principles (or APPs) set out in that Act. Whether or not it is bound at a particular
time, ODFNC aims at all times to deal with the personal information of individuals in a way
that is consistent with the APPs.

This Policy describes ODFNC’s approach to dealing with personal information.

The purposes for which ODFNC collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information.
ODFNC provides organised sport at the grass roots level across specific sports, including
Australian Rules Football, Netball and Cricket. Ultimately, ODFNC aims to deliver
participation and development opportunities for amateur athletes through the club
structure and provide further opportunities for involvement in various programs and events
that provide various health and social benefits. 

ODFNC works with the various associated leagues, Council and state bodies to develop the organisation through collaboration and
alignment and improved effectiveness. As a membership-based organisation, information is collected for the purposes of registration and communication.

The kinds of personal information that ODFNC collects and holds
In undertaking its activities ODFNC, at its various levels, collects & 'personal information'. This
may include (but is not limited to) a person’s name, contact details, date of birth,
occupation, family background and financial records. 

The personal information that ODFNC holds will depend on the nature of the activity or service. 

ODFNC will only collect personal information to the extent relevant for the relationship it has with each person.
ODFNC also holds sensitive personal information, for example about a member or an athlete. This may include (but is not limited to) information about health, disability, personnel files, employment histories and tax file numbers.

Recognising that the Privacy Act places restrictions on collecting sensitive personal information about person. ODFNC may collect sensitive information when:
  • providing health services to persons (for example to an athlete)
  • providing sport services to persons (for example to an athlete)
  • it is required to provide specific services
  • assessing eligibility of volunteers
  • for the purpose of meeting legal obligations
If ODFNC conducts online collaboration, social media or market research, it may also ask for
public opinions about its services. These will be treated as personal information if they
contain personally identifiable information.

How ODFNC collects and holds personal information
If it is reasonable and practical to do so, ODFNC will collect personal information directly
from the persons concerned with their consent. This may be through application forms,
surveys, over the telephone, the Internet, or in person.

ODFNC may also need to collect personal information from other people or organisations.
This information is collected with the person’s consent, except for in circumstances allowed
for by legislation. Sometimes this may happen without direct involvement. Some examples
of the people or organisations from which ODFNC may collect personal information are:
  • sporting organisations
  • publicly available sources of information (such as telephone directories)
  • person’s representatives (such as a parent, coach, legal adviser, manager)
  • person’s employers
  • other government agencies
  • law enforcement agencies
So that ODFNC can better tailor information and services to individual needs, when it sends
email messages, it may use technology to identify persons to know when an email is opened
or links within an email are used.

ODFNC will hold the information it collects on electronic systems, and where appropriate in
paper format. ODFNC may also hold or receive some information on cloud-based systems.
Where this occurs, ODFNC will require the relevant service to be compliant with its privacy
and security standards in protecting personal information.

How ODFNC will keep personal information accurate and up-to-date 
ODFNC seeks to maintain the quality of its information holdings by taking reasonable administrative and technical steps
to make sure that the information collected, used and disclosed is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

How ODFNC will keep information and data secure?
Paper documents are protected from unauthorised access or use through the various
security systems that we have over our physical premises. Users also aim to maintain up-to-
date computer and network security systems with appropriate firewalls, access controls and
passwords to protect electronic copies of personal information.

If we no longer require an individual’s personal information, we will generally take
reasonable steps to destroy it in a secure manner or remove identifying features from it.

This is subject to any legal obligation that requires ODFNC to keep information for a certain
period of time.

In what circumstances would ODFNC provide personal information to others, including overseas providers?
Sometimes ODFNC may provide personal information to external organisations. Generally, these are organisations
that help ODFNC conduct its programs and activities.

These organisations may include:
  • sport partners (sporting organisations, including those overseas with whom we have agreements to provide funding or services)
  • cloud based services that host ODFNC data on its servers
  • authorised representatives of ODFNC
  • payment systems operators (for example, our online facility to receive credit card
  • payments)
  • our accountants, auditors or lawyers
  • local Council
  • a person’s representatives (for example a parent, coach, legal adviser, manager)

ODFNC strives to limit the information it provides to outside organisations to what they
need to provide their services to us - or to provide services to ODFNC members. ODFNC
requires any organisation that it contracts with to use the personal information provided
only for the purposes of the specific service being provided to ODFNC, and for no other

ODFNC may also need to provide personal information to others outside ODFNC where:
  1. ODFNC is required to by law or has a public duty to do so. For example, a Court, a regulator (such as the Australian Taxation Office or the Police can compel ODFNC to disclose personal information to them);
  2. the information relates to a sports drug and safety matter or is otherwise relevant to the performance of the functions of the Australian Sports Anti Doping Authority and as such may be provided to the Australian Sports Anti Doping Authority;
  3. persons have expressly consented to their personal information being supplied to others for particular purposes.

Access to personal information held by ODFNC and the correction of that information
Any person who believes that ODFNC holds personal information about them may contact
ODFNC to seek access to that information. In most cases, ODFNC will provide access,
although there might be reasons why ODFNC considers this inappropriate – for example
where access would involve infringing on another person's privacy.

If after accessing information held about any person, they consider that it is inaccurate, out-
of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading for the purposes for which it is held, then they
may request ODFNC to amend it or where applicable log into the ODFNC website and
change it themselves.

In most cases, ODFNC will amend or permit the person to amend the information. In the
first instance a person can request access to their personal information by contacting

ODFNC aims to be efficient and fair when responding to any privacy complaint. Any privacy
complaints to ODFNC must be made in writing to the ODFNC President or Secretary. ODFNC
aims to respond to all complaints within a reasonable time period.

Roles and Responsibilities
The overall responsibility for the management of ODFNC privacy ultimately resides with the
ODFNC President. However, authority and responsibility for the management and use of
personal information is delegated and assigned at all levels. Privacy is a shared responsibility
and all ODFNC system users are responsible for implementing privacy policies and practices.

Contact for this Policy:
ODFNC President
Email: c/-
Tel. 0423 474 211