ODFNC Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct aims to protect children and reduce any opportunities for abuse or harm to occur. It also helps assist The Oakleigh District Football, Netball & Cricket Club Inc (ODFNC) personnel and volunteers to better understand how to avoid and/or manage risky behaviour/situations. 

This Code of Conduct applies to all ODFNC activities, including training, match day, functions and in the use of digital technology and social media and all people involved in the ODFNC activities including coaches, officials, volunteers and parents.

Coaches, officials, volunteers and parents agree to:
  1. Adhere to our Child Safe Policy and other ODFNC policies
  2. Take all reasonable steps to protect children from abuse
  3. Treat everyone with respect, including listening to and valuing their ideas and opinions
  4. Provide a welcoming environment for all children and their families and carers
  5. Be inclusive and respect the rights and dignity of every person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
  6. Be a positive role model by demonstrating appropriate social behaviour 
  7. Value the ideas and opinions of the children and provide them with the opportunity to voice these
  8. Report and act on any breaches of this Code of Conduct, complaints or concerns in the appropriate way and timely manner. Treat these concerns and/or complaints seriously and with respect
  9. Comply with the ODFNC’s guidelines on physical contact with children
  10. Ensure that any activities the children are involved are conducted in an open and transparent way; other adults should always know about the work you are doing with children
  11. Respect the privacy of children and their families, and only disclose information to those who need to know.
Coaches, officials, volunteers and parents MUST NOT:

  • Seek to use children in any way to meet the needs of adults
  • Ignore or disregard any concerns, suspicions or disclosures of child abuse
  • Use prejudice, oppressive behaviour or language with children
  • Discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, culture, vulnerability or sexuality
  • Initiate unnecessary physical contact with children or show favouritism through the provision of gifts or inappropriate attention
  • Enter a room, toilet or space alone with children and/or young people where you will be conducting things of a personal nature, such as toileting or changing clothes
  • Have unauthorised contact with children and young people online or by phone

Players MUST:

  • Always play by the rules
  • Respect decisions made by club personnel, umpires and officials
  • Co-operate, support and encourage fellow team mates
  • Display good sportsmanship behaviours
  • Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit
  • Report any inappropriate behaviour and/or language to the club’s Child Safety Officer

Officials MUST:

  • Place the safety and welfare of the players above all else
  • Ensure that the you are promoting the rules and spirit of the game and that you are encouraging children to do the same
  • Be inclusive of everyone involved at ODFNC activities and respect the rights and dignity of every person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
  • Remain impartial and objective in decision making
  • Address any unsportsmanlike behaviour around the club and promote respect for all members and club personnel
  • Ensure any physical contact with a child is appropriate to the current activity (I.e training skill)

Child safety officer MUST:
  • Prioritise the safety and welfare of the players above all else
  • If a child makes a disclosure regarding abuse or neglect, or gives you enough information to form reasonable grounds of belief, you must report to either the police or relevant governing authority
  • Conversations had must remain confidential unless the information provided leads you to believe abuse or neglect has, or is likely to occur
  • Conduct your club responsibilities with due care, competence and diligence

Coaches MUST:

  • Prioritise the safety and welfare of the players above all else
  • Ensure your behaviour and language is free from discrimination, prejudice or indecency
  • Encourage all players through constructive and positive feedback
  • Ensure all qualifications are up to date with the latest practices and policies
  • Maintain good sportsmanship behaviour in all ODFNC activities
  • Ensure that any physical contact with a child or young person is appropriate to the activity (i.e training skills) and outline the activity to the individual/s before to reduce the risk of harm/injury
  • Maintain the concept that sport is for the enjoyment for everyone and winning is only a part of the fun
  • Be reasonable with the expectations and demands of players, club officials and umpires
  • Respect any decisions made by club personnel and/or umpires
  • Ensure that the you are promoting the rules and spirit of the game and that you are encouraging children to do the same
  • Promote desirable personal and social behaviour to be displayed around the club
  • Board/committee members and administrators MUST:
  • Ensure that club personnel such as managers and coaches are appointed appropriately and have the best interests of the children and club in mind
  • Conduct your club responsibilities with due care, competence and diligence
  • Ensure all resources for reporting a breach of this code of conduct, incident or complaint are accessible to players, coaches, officials, parents and spectators
  • Maintain an inclusive environment regardless of an individual’s race, gender, ability, cultural background, sexuality or religion

Parents/spectators MUST:

  • Encourage your child to participate, have fun and try their best. Winning is only a small part
  • Recognise the value and importance of coaches and other officials. Offer help at training sessions or on game day, where possible
  • Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour towards other spectators, coaches, officials and players 
  • Remember that you are a role model for children and behaviours and words can encourage or discourage a child from continuing to participate in the sport
  • Respect any decisions made by coaches, club personnel and/or umpires
  • Report any behaviours that display discrimination, harassment, bullying or violence of any form, whether it be by another spectator, coach, club personnel or player

Please Note: Your failure to adhere to the codes of conduct may result in the withdrawal or suspension of your/your sons (s)/daughter(s) registration to play in the the applicable Affiliation/League.

This Code of Conduct will be reviewed annually.